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Patrick's Vegan Journey and Giving Back to Bluegrass VegFest

Patrick's Vegan Journey and Giving Back to Bluegrass VegFest

My Vegan Journey and Bluegrass VegFest

In 2016, I gave up meat for the month of May. I was really struggling to maintain a consistently-healthy dietary and exercise routine. I had dabbled with juice cleanses and knew of the wonderful effects so I assumed even more plants with no meat would be a step in the right direction. And if not, I would just go back to eating meat in June and consider it a meatless May challenge. 

But here’s the thing…

I felt good. Like really fucking good. 

I had more energy. My skin started to clear up and my complexion looked healthier. I lost weight, but more importantly, I lost fat on my body that I had been storing since college. And I wanted to exercise more. 

And by June, I was calling myself a vegetarian. 

It took me two years to give up dairy. Ice cream and cheese were on the uptick when I began my plant based journey, but there weren’t a lot of good options YET. 

In 2018, I finally ditched dairy and was amazed again at the health benefits of doing so. And so began my vegan journey. 

I don’t know if I can put into words just how much this decision has helped me. But it has. I have continued to be the healthiest, strongest, calmest, best version of me that I’ve ever been. 

That’s part of the reason I wanted to join Vegan Powered Athlete in 2022. 

It’s part of the reason why I wanted to volunteer at last years VegFest. 

It’s the whole reason I wanted to help even more with the 2023 version of Bluegrass VegFest. 

Because a big part of being the best me is helping others. And with VegFest, we help people. We help business owners. We help the environment. AND we help the animals. 

My choice to become vegan was a choice for my health. Some ethical vegans don’t like that, but for me, I think I had to get my health right first… to remove the toxins from my body… to discover the truth about the torture of the animals… to learn and begin to understand the benefits veganism has for the environment… and so much else. 

And so, in January, I started volunteering a handful of hours each month to Bluegrass VegFest. Now, in just a few short weeks, it will occur in its epic fashion once again. Thousands of VegHeads will gather to eat, learn, smile, and grow our community larger, stronger, and more compassionate. 

Why should you come to Bluegrass VegFest?

Because you want to explore the depths of life without the incessant need for consumption of other living beings. 

Because you’re an athlete that wants to experience less inflammation, cleaner energy, and learn about endurance sports from the VPA booth, other health practitioner vendors, or our headlining speakers. 

Because you want to learn how to implement a plant based diet for specific health reasons. We’ve got vendors and speakers for that too. 

Or maybe you just want some really great vegan food- from cupcakes, pies, and cookies, to plant based beverages and smoothies, to fried foods, burgers, whole foods or soul foods- there will be TONS of options this year!! 

Saturday July 15th

Mellwood Arts Center

1860 Mellwood Ave 

Check out the website or socials for more info!!

Peace, Love, and Veggie Grease

Patrick @louisvilleveganrunner