One of the best endurance training routines you can incorporate into your daily workout, is running.
Running offers a myriad of benefits, and not just centered around fat burning, which it does a lot of. Running is also a routine that can be adopted by beginner, intermediate, and advanced endurance athletes.
First off, the more you run, the more you will be able to run.
This concept is actually the basis of endurance training for competitive running. It’s akin to the old adage, “Practice makes perfect!” The more you do something, the better at it you will become. Your brain and body will grow accustomed to this routine, and will become more accepting of its rigors.
But, much like with any workout or routine, the usual can become stale. You can start to suffer from boredom. Sticking to the same routine for long periods of time can even hurt your training. You essentially stop growing and benefiting from your usual routine. But almost like muscle memory, shaking up your running routine can help your body begin to benefit again.
Here are some helpful tips that will see you once again enjoying and growing from your endurance training program for runners.
#1: Blaze a New Trail
If you are used to running alongside roads, dealing with traffic, people, cars, and noise – try trail running. Hitting the woods is a big difference from street running. There is usually far less people to contend with, no cars or traffic, and the only noise you will be hearing is the serene sound of nature.
#2: Go for the Gold
Hit a local relay track. These can be found at local high schools, colleges, or possibly your local YMCA. Relay tracks can really benefit endurance runners, as timing your runs let’s you track your actual skill level. From this point, you know how hard you have to work to get exactly where you want to be. In addition, the exact distance from start to finish tells you your stats in precise intervals.
#3: Supplement Your Vegan Diet
While a purist vegan diet does in fact give you everything your body needs for endurance training and more, it may be a good idea to also begin taking all-natural supplements such as creatine. Creatine is made naturally by the body; however, it is only released into our system in small doses. It is unknown why this process is, considering the fact that studies have shown creatine to repair muscle and brain tissue, provide greater mental focus, and has demonstrated that athletes simply perform better after having supplemented with it.
#4: Start Restricting Sugar
Now, I know what you’re thinking; more sugar means more energy, right? Yes, but energy from sugar is not sustainable, you will crash quicker and harder, and too much sugar leads to fat gain. Restricting your sugar intake before running will force your body to burn fat for fuel in its place. Burning fat is also long-lasting, sustainable fuel, and it keeps your glycogen levels intact.
#5: Grab a Partner
Finding a training partner can provide numerous benefits. If you are training for competitive running, this makes the perfect opportunity to push yourself. Your partner can also help you to identify weaknesses giving you the opportunity to build up weak areas while helping them to strengthen theirs.
However, to maximize your running routine to its fullest, you’ll want to also adopt a healthy and fulfilling vegan diet. Removing harmful animal byproducts, including dairy, from your diet, you are allowing your body to better utilize and process the food you eat, converting it to more usable end-use energy than ever before.